Sunday, April 3, 2011

Something different... Cheeseburger omletes

Okay, so I know it sounds kind of odd.  But you have to try this.  It's good. 

Really good.

So good that nobody had to tell Little Man to eat his dinner.

And in this house, that is the biggest compliment a Mama can get.

So try the cheeseburger omlete because Little Man says it's so good!

1/2 lb ground beef, browned
3 slices Ameican cheese
2 green onions, chopped
6 eggs mixed with a splash of milk, and a little bacon salt (if you have it, salt and pepper if you don't)
3 tsp butter

In an omlete pan (which I don't have so mine were a little thinner) melt 1 tsp butter over medium low heat.

Add 1/3 of the eggs.  Stir constantly with a rubber spatula, scraping the bottom of the pan until the eggs are 2/3 cooked.  (About 1 minute)

Turn the heat to low and tip the pan to spread the eggs evenly.

Add the burger, cheese slices and onion to the middle of the omlete.

When it sets, flip one side over the burger/cheese/onion.  Flip that over the rest and slide it on to a plate.

I then covered mine with ketchup! (and it kinda fell apart!)



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